Free Academic Report Cover Page Template Design in MS Word

If you are writing an academic report, it is important to use a professional-looking cover page. This is because cover page always gets notices first and decides whether or not to read the rest of your report. It is therefore very important that you include a stunning cover page for your project. It can play a key role to the success of your report.

How to Format Academic Report Cover Page

An Academic Report Cover Page should contain the title of the report, which is the most prominent element of the document. It should also include necessary details in the text box below the title. The font used on the cover page should be conservative and without embellishments, irregular curvatures, or unusual designs. The most traditional font used for report covers is Times New Roman, which is an ultra-conservative font popular in the corporate world. Sans Serif fonts are also popular and include Arial and Calibri.

The Academic Report paper title should be written in the first letter of the first sentence, with the prepositions not capitalized. Under the title of the paper, the authors’ last name, first middle initial, and institutional name should appear. The document should be double-spaced and aligned horizontally. The header should continue at the top of the page, a running header should be added to the top. The page should also contain the page numbers in the upper right-hand corner.

The style of your cover page is another important detail to remember when writing an academic report. While there is no single universal style, there are certain common requirements. Some papers should be formatted in APA style. For example, you should follow the guidelines of the American psychological association (APA) in order to use a proper format. For example, APA style suggests that you write a title and then include the name of the professor or supervising instructor. After that, the date of submission should be written. It is also important to keep in mind that Chicago format does not number cover pages. So, you should always double-check your work.

If you are writing a research paper, the authors should also be listed. You can include their full names by centering the title in the middle of the page. Remember to use non-bold and bold fonts when writing the title. Incorporate the author’s ID number as well, if it is part of the research. In addition to the author’s name, you can also put the institution or school where the study was conducted.

Academic Report Cover Page Design

The cover page of your report can be designed in a number of ways. While many cover pages are designed with borders and pictures, you should keep the design simple. The most important thing to keep in mind is that the cover page is there to relay information to the reader and not to look pretty. Stick to the required rubrics and format each element the way your instructor wants it. A cover page should start at the top with the title, headline, and other relevant information. At the bottom, you’ll need to include your name, date, professor, and university, so make sure to use this style when writing your paper.

The fonts you use are extremely important when creating the cover page of your report. Please keep in mind to use the best quality and readable fonts. Black never fails. This color is perfect for all professional reports. A few people will opt for dark cover pages. You don’t have to use only black, but a few shades of orange will help make the cover page more interesting. Besides, the cover page can serve as a background for other elements, such as graphics and charts.

When creating your cover page, remember to keep the font size consistent with the number of pages in the report. Capitalize only the first few letters of the title and do not capitalize prepositions. You can also include the name of the academic institution where the paper was written. You can choose APA for the social sciences, MLA for the humanities, or even the Chicago Manual of Style.

Free Academic Report Cover Page Template:

Academic Report Cover Page1

Printable Academic Report Cover Page Template: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013
File Size: 1.1MB
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Free Academic Report Front Page Sample Template:

Academic Report Cover Page2

Printable Academic Report Cover Page Template: MS Word 2007 | 2010 | 2013
File Size: 900KB
License: [Only for personal use]

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